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The longest sea bridge in China is ranked

Edit date: 2018.12.19
Editor: guangzhou hengqiao Marine engineering co., LTD
     When it comes to the ranking of the longest Bridges in China, it's hard to say. After all, the record of this kind of artificial construction is constantly being updated. Below let small make up to introduce some of our country's longest bridge ranking.

NO.1 the bridge between zhuhai, Hong Kong and Macao is 49.968KM
     The hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge is a huge bridge connecting Hong Kong, zhuhai and Macao. It has important strategic significance in promoting the further economic development of Hong Kong, Macao and the west bank of the pearl river delta region. The hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge is 49.968 km in length, and the main project "haizhong bridge and tunnel" is 35.578 km in length with a design speed of 100 km/h.
     Construction of the main body of the hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge started on December 15, 2009, and the first phase is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2017. The bridge will cost more than 100 billion yuan and take about 8 years to complete. With the successful lifting of the last piece of steel box girder weighing 1,950 tons on March 30, 2016, the lifting of the box girder of the non-navigable hole bridge of the main project of the hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge was completed on March 30. The lifting of the large section steel box girder of the navigable hole bridge is expected to be completed at the end of August. At that time, the bridge will be fully closed.


No.2 zhoushan liandao bridge group 50KM (of which the bridge is about 25km long)
     Not strictly a sea bridge, a group of Bridges formed by a series of Bridges connecting islands, but because of its great length, it was placed in the second place.
     Zhoushan mainland island connecting project consists of cengang bridge, xiangjiaomen bridge, taoyaomen bridge, xihoumen cross-sea bridge, jintang bridge and other five cross-sea Bridges and connecting roads. It starts from zhoushan island, passes through liluo island, Fuji island, shishan island and jintang island, and lands on the west side of zhenhai refinery and chemical factory of ningbo. It is about 50 kilometers long and about 25 kilometers long according to the highway standard, with a total investment of over 10 billion yuan. The project is divided into two phases: phase I and phase ii. The first phase of the project includes cengang bridge, xiangjiaomen bridge, taoyaomen bridge and the connecting road. Construction began at the end of 1999, and the main project was completed by the end of 2004. All the projects were completed and opened to traffic on January 1, 2006. The second phase of the project, including xihoumen cross-sea bridge, jintang cross-sea bridge and the connecting road between them, started construction in May 2004. Zhoushan cross-sea bridge was officially opened to traffic at 23:58 on December 25, 2009.
     After the completion of the bridge, the driving distance between zhoushan and ningbo and hangzhou will be greatly shortened. In addition, with the completion of the hangzhou bay bridge, the driving distance from zhoushan to Shanghai via the south bank of hangzhou bay will be shortened to 3 hours, making zhoushan more closely integrated into the Yangtze river delta economic circle. Zhoushan will fully enter the bridge era. (including xihoumen cross-sea bridge, xihoumen cross-sea bridge, yaoyaomen cross-sea bridge group, etc.)


No.3 Qingdao jiaozhou bay bridge 36.48KM
     Qingdao bay bridge, also known as jiaozhou bay bridge, is a large cross-sea bridge designed, constructed and built by our country. It is the starting point of the national highway network G22 qinglan expressway, which is part of the network framework of the "five longitudinal, four horizontal and one ring" highway in shandong province. It is also the "one bridge" in the "one road, one bridge and one tunnel" of the cross-sea passage across the east and west sides of jiaozhou bay planned by Qingdao. The bridge starts from haier road, the main urban area of Qingdao, and goes through the red island to huangdao. The bridge is 36.48 kilometers long, with an investment of nearly 10 billion yuan. It took 4 years to complete. It is the longest sea-crossing bridge in the world and the second longest bridge in the world.


No.4 hangzhou bay bridge 36 kilometers across the sea
     Hangzhou bay bridge was started on November 14, 2003, completed on June 26, 2007 and put into operation on May 1, 2008. Hangzhou bay bridge is a bridge across the waters of hangzhou bay in China, stretching 36 kilometers from jiaxing sea salt zheng jia dai in zhejiang province in the north to cixi waterway bay in ningbo in the south.


No.5 the donghai bridge in Shanghai is 32.5 kilometers
     The bridge is 32.5 km long, the land section is about 3.7 km long, and the sea section between luchao port new dike and daogudao island is 25.3 km long. The port bridge connecting daogudao island and xiaoyangshan island is about 3.5 km long.




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