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Enshi lion water trestle road, Lingbo micro walk between the mountains and rivers!

Edit date: 2019.2.15

Editor's unit: Guangzhou Hengqiao Marine Engineering Co., Ltd.

We all know

30 °N is a magical dimension.

Near this latitude.

Wonders abound, and natural mysteries occur frequently

for instance

China's Qiantang River spring tide, Babylonian "sky garden",

The Dead Sea in Jordan, the pyramids and the Sphinx in ancient Egypt,

The ruins of Bermuda and ancient Mayan civilization in the Caribbean.

And when this magical latitude is 30 degrees north,

Through Hubei, China

Created a wonderland here.

It's Enshi, Hubei.

There are too many well-known magic spots in Enshi

Grand Canyon, Padang Qingjiang River.

Xiaoyou said today the fairyland is the lion closed the water trestle road!

It's no longer a glass.

Walking directly between mountains and rivers

Lion Guild

Good place for foster leisure

The lion is 13 kilometers away from the city of Xuanen County. Xuanen ancient for one of the three passes, is also one of the ancient Xuanen bazaar. Here is majestic, there are five rock mountains, mountains such as tiger teeth interlaced, there are two stone mountains, like lions, choke the main road leading to the Chang Tan River, the Lion Guan named for it.

The canyons, caves, pictographs, waterfalls and other natural landscapes formed by karst landforms in the region complement each other and make people forget to return. The Gangou River Canyon and the Monuments River Canyon complement each other, the mountains are beautiful water, the strange stone, the monkey shuttles, the collection canyon's wonderful, has the heaven and earth's spirit, melts the spirit, strange, dangerous, male, ancient, secluded as a whole, the United States and the strange say inexhaustible, the Tao is endless.

"go for a ride, waste your time, do what you want to do." can you imagine a car driving on the water? Car over the water, with the beauty of the heart, enjoy endless. When it comes to Xuanen Lion Guan, it may take a while for everyone to react, but when it comes to Douyin's online celebrity floating bridge, it should be known to a lot of people.

Xuanen Lion Guan Power Station

The world's first cave dam

Xuanen Liangguan Scenic spot relies on Liangguan Hydropower Station. This is the world's first cave dam, "one dam two reservoirs" hydropower station. And it forms the world's five largest blockades (145 meters high), a dam that forms two reservoirs (one dam and two reservoirs), a hole into a reservoir, the highest water head in the world (186 meters), and the world's thinnest dam (190 meters high). The dam is 12 meters long and has the largest capacity (141 million cubic meters).

After blocking holes, the first reservoir formed-Tiankeng Reservoir. The water is nearly 200 meters above the bottom of the dark river above! The underwater on the right side is the underground river connecting the second reservoir.

After the Lion pass the core area, is the second upstream reservoir-gorge reservoir. This is the most beautiful place except the end of the library. The distant hillside was hidden in the green trees, in a quiet, but not closed place, a place to sit and watch clouds rise and lie down to listen to the pine wind.

Deep mountain "elves"

More than 100 macaques hiding in the surrounding mountains

It is said that when the scenic spot was built, the macaques did not move around. The move moved the Xuanren, the authorities decided to build the rhesus monkey foot tower, on the rock wall for the monkey group built a three-pillar, four-rider, carved-Liang-built-built mansion.

Rhesus monkey petite lovely, light posture, they are quick, often borrow bamboo tip, treetops walk and play. Sometimes, three or five of them swing on the vine, climb the pole, bask on the slabs, catch the lice, and trim the hair. " This is a picture recorded carefully by tourists who have seen macaques. Unfortunately, we can only dream of it in words, but regret is inevitable.

It's like a limp walking in the water.

Enshi Lion Guan Aquatic Trestle Road is located in Zhushan Town, Xuanen County, Enshi City, Hubei Province, the most beautiful floating bridge, named "Langqiao Dream." Floating "water trestle road" about 500m long, 4.5 meters wide, built along the winding river, can accommodate 10000 people walking on it at the same time.

Viewed from above, the winding pontoon spans the water, breathtaking; walking on the bridge, the banks are lush and delightful. Tourists dressed up, dressed in beautiful clothes on the floating bridge left a beautiful image.

It was a long, long water stack, just like a silver snake suspended on the surface of the water, with a long distance, and the green hills hidden from the lake, and it was intoxicated.

The lush peaks on both sides of the banks were filled with foggy clouds, by boat or on foot, as if people were swimming in the paintings.



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