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Article 1 The yacht driver shall hold a valid yacht operator qualification certificate before driving the yacht. Overseas residents who hold the competency certificate of yacht operators issued by the competent maritime authority or its authorized agency can drive yachts in Hainan waters for a short period of time (7 days) in accordance with the provisions of the relevant national departments, without the need to renew the certificate. Overseas residents who need to drive yachts in Hainan waters for a long time shall apply to the maritime administrative agency for the qualification certificate of yacht operators according to law.

Article 2 On the premise of ensuring safety, the compulsory pilotage of overseas yachts may not be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the relevant departments of the State.

Article 3 Overseas yachts may stop at ports, yacht wharves, berths and marine tourist attractions approved by the competent authorities to carry out tourist activities. It is not allowed to stop and get on and off personnel at non-open ports.

Article 4 Yachts operating in water areas shall be equipped with on-board positioning and identification devices. The devices equipped shall be kept in normal working condition and shall not be closed or dismantled without authorization.

Article 5 The temporary berthing of yachts during navigation shall not interfere with the navigation, berthing and operation of other ships, and shall not berth in the main channel, the restricted navigation area, the safe operation area and other published prohibited berthing waters.

Article 6 When a yacht is in distress or a water traffic accident or pollution accident occurs, the yacht driver and other crew members shall immediately report to the maritime administrative agency. The entry-exit yachts shall also report to the border inspection authorities in case of water traffic accidents.

Article 7 Yacht oil supply and reception shall comply with the relevant regulations on oil supply and reception operation of vessels, implement safety measures, and ensure the good availability of oil supply and reception equipment and facilities.

Article 8 Yachts shall not discharge oil substances, domestic sewage, garbage, animal and plant wastes, toxic and harmful substances into the waters.

Article 9 Yacht wharves and mooring points shall formulate management systems related to safety and pollution prevention and control, be equipped with pollution prevention and control equipment and equipment as required, and pass the acceptance according to law.

Article 10 When holding large-scale activities on water for yachts, the organizing unit shall draw up an activity plan in advance, report to the maritime administrative agency for record in advance, and apply for the issuance of navigational warnings and navigational notices.

Activities involving overseas yachts shall be reported to other port inspection authorities at the same time.

Yacht Club (Yacht Club):

Article 11 The establishment of a yacht club (yacht club) shall meet the following conditions:

(1) Have corresponding yacht berthing dock and facilities;

(2) Have a professional management team;

(3) Have the service facilities and safety guarantee ability for daily overhaul, maintenance and repair of yachts;

(4) Have the ability to recycle and treat yacht waste, residual oil and garbage;

(5) There are complete management systems, emergency plans and implementation measures that meet the requirements;

(6) The International Yacht Club (Yacht Club) that handles the entry and exit business of yachts shall be equipped with entry and exit inspection facilities and safety information management system at the corresponding yacht dock.

Article 12 The establishment of a yacht assembly department (yacht club) shall be subject to the examination and approval conditions of the provincial traffic administration department, and shall be filed with the maritime administration agency after registration according to law. If the entry and exit yacht business is involved, it shall also be filed with other port inspection authorities and the provincial port administration department,

Article 13 Yacht clubs (yacht clubs) shall bear the following responsibilities and obligations:

(1) Carry out publicity and training on yacht safety, emergency response and application for entry and exit procedures for yacht operators and passengers, urge yacht personnel to comply with the laws and regulations on entry and exit management, water traffic safety and pollution prevention management regulations, and implement corresponding measures;

(2) Provide the meteorological, hydrological, announcement, warning and other information required for the yacht to sail. In case of any situation that is not suitable for sailing, the yacht shall be prevented from sailing and the yacht that has sailed shall be notified in time to return;

(3) Record the certificates of the yacht and its operators, record the sailing, return and crew of the yacht, and report the entry and exit of the overseas yacht to the relevant port inspection authority;

(4) Urge or assist the yacht to go through relevant procedures;

(5) Carry out emergency drills regularly;

(6) In case of an emergency, the emergency plan shall be launched in time and reported to the maritime administrative agency in time. In case of any overseas yacht, it shall be reported to other port inspection authorities at the same time;

(7) Properly arrange the typhoon prevention of yachts.



Contact: 0086-139 0240 2448 Tim Hui

Phone: 13660108188 15920552310

Tel: 020-82396205

Email: gzhengqiao@163.com

Add: Room 658, 6th floor, Yufeng Business Center, 2 Jinghu Avenue, Huadu District, Guangzhou City

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