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Incomparable water wedding

I remember Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's outdoor wedding on the water. Chen Yanxi moved slowly in a white boat and drove slowly to Chen Xiao. With the background of the environment, it was like walking in a fairyland. Then the two exchanged rings with each other, full of love and envy.

Envy? Don't envy, Hengqiao will finish your dream for you and let you have a star-like water wedding. Build a platform for you in the water. Add a color to your wedding.

The water platform mainly refers to: water villas, water hotels, water leisure and vacation houses, water restaurants, water resorts and other floating structures of various structural materials. It is suitable for inland lakes, reservoirs and river basins with stable water flow. Especially suitable for scenic spots, resorts and other scenic spots with good landscape conditions.

Welcome to inquire and understand, hotline: 020-82396205



Contact: 0086-139 0240 2448 Tim Hui

Phone: 13660108188 15920552310

Tel: 020-82396205

Email: gzhengqiao@163.com

Add: Room 658, 6th floor, Yufeng Business Center, 2 Jinghu Avenue, Huadu District, Guangzhou City

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