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Mechanical calculation of yacht wharf design

Mechanical calculation of yacht wharf design

Guangzhou Heng bridge Marine Engineering Co., Ltd.

1.1. in addition to the uniform load load calculation, we must calculate the concentrated load. Then add the safety coefficient, and must be in the requirement of dock in express. I suggest that the concentrated load is calculated by the 300kg/m2, and the concentrated load section in continuous 2m to design the terminal buoyancy load in the continuous 2m terminal under the surface distance the surface height of not more than 30%; 1.2. will dock according to the "beam" with finite element calculation, without considering the "pile" auxiliary force; to use the local wave distance and height of 1.3.; the main channel width shall be not less than 2m; the branching channel should be not less than 1 .2m, so I also consider universal recommendations for 2m as well; branch channel should be not less than 60% of the length of the ship; so 1.4. metal materials and fastening pieces are used to consider, corrosion and other factors; 1.5. floating body should be filled with polystyrene foam, leaving some space, so as to adjust the height of the water tank and adjustable pier height; the 2. rail problem: Global Yacht Dock is almost no railing, Marina will Chinese so "follow the crowd" suggestions in yacht or edge or railing facilities properly, so compared with the Chinese habits and mental state; in the absence of railing The main channel edge, best to draw the warning line, to inform and warning function. 3. environmental issues: a yacht marina sewage, garbage and other waste recycling facilities is necessary. Usually we can set up a box with a sewage pump, sewage tank will be on a yacht in the sewage out there temporarily in the box, and then transferred to the sewage treatment system. 4. positioning: Marina almost all used pile location, the change of floating wharf facilities to deal with water roller. In some areas, because of the change of water level is too large (for example, changes of reservoir water level will reach some 20m above), or to prevent seepage to Levee Foundation When piling, consider using anchor or anchor stone location. 5. limit status: Design for the terminal, we must consider the emergency plan under extreme conditions. Such as typhoon, flood, tsunami cases, marinas should take 6. measures to deal with the other note: 6.1. water, electricity, communication terminal should be set up near the yacht tail region; 6.2. should be set to a certain number of rescue, fire protection equipment; 6.3. fuel supply should leave the crowd and yachts gathering area; 6.4. wave protection or wave is the first to consider the yacht wharf design; 6.5. bollard can Designed to be adjustable, in order to adapt to the different scales of yacht; 6.6. on the yacht facilities and maintenance facilities in accordance with the size of the yacht club to design a number of corresponding blocks, dry tank and land access should also be considered.



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